Deaf Support
Support for Deaf People
in Southwark
SDA is one of a few organisations providing support to Deaf People in Southwark depending on your needs. Samba explains what we do at SDA in the video.

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Communication support for Deaf People using BSL provided by SDA
A free, confidential and independent support service for deaf, hard of hearing people living in Southwark.
This service supports you when communication is a problem and is provided by Ann who is a BSL Communicator Level 3, not an interpreter.
SDA can support you with:
· Providing information
· Explaining and dealing with simple correspondence (letters)
· Making telephone calls
· Filling in forms
Ann will refer you to another service if the support you require is complicated, requires more time to solve or needs advocacy (someone to fight for you).
Face to face Drop-in sessions are currently suspended but you can have a meeting via Zoom or Skype
Pre-booked appointments only on Thursday 12.30 to 3.30pm and Friday 10.00 am to 3.30pm at Southwark Resource Centre, 10 Bradenham Close, off Westmoreland Road, SE17 2QB
We do not do appointments outside of the SDA offices
Contact: Ann Marie Richards
Text: 07804 405 893
Email: ann@sdail.org
Tel: 020 3095 9421
Ann can sign in BSL to you on Skype;
her address is “Ann at SDA"
Services for Deaf People provided by other organisations
Deaf Plus BSL Advice Help line
Help with: Benefits, Budgeting, Crime, Debt, Domestic Violence, Housing, Money
Contact: Facetime: Julia.pitt@deafplus.org skype: deafplus.helpline
oovoo: bsl_helpline_2015
Monday: 10am to 2pm, Tuesday: 6.30 pm to 9.30pm, Wednesday 11am to 5pm, Thursday: 1pm to 5pm and Friday: 9am to 1pm.
To book an appointment, go on line http://www.deafplus.org
BDA Advocacy (helping you with bigger problems)
British Deaf Association (BDA), 356 Holloway Road, N7 6PA.
Contact: Neelma Saleem Email: aia.london@bda.org.uk
SMS/Facetime: 07921 286817 Tel: 020 7697 4140
Neelma can meet you at the SDA offices if you cannot travel to North London
Health and Social Services - Southwark Council
Southwark Council can support you by assessing your daily life, health and social care needs and provide appropriate support and equipment if required.
Phone: 020 7525 3324
Fax: 020 7525 4606
Email: contactadultsocialcare@southwark.gov.uk
Web: www.southwark.gov.uk/mysupportchoices